Learn Lithuanian with us !

Vilnius Adult Education Centre VAEC created 10 topics of communication teaching materials for adults learning the Lithuanian state language A1 level.
Topics included:
Lithuanian, Russian and English glossaries.
The Aim – to motivate adults of other nationalities (non-native speakers) to learn the Lithuanian language using non-traditional ways of learning.
Using the educational materials, adult learners of other nationalities (non-native speakers):
will understand the spoken Lithuanian language by listening and watching;
will be able to express the main communicative intentions;
will reinforce elementary syntactical structures and words;
will learn how to apply the learned topics in everyday life situations;
will have an opportunity to revise the learned material by themselves.
The topics were created by the national students of the 3rd and 4thgymnasium classes.
The students were consulted and the process of creating the material was supervised by:
the teacher methodologist of the Lithuanian language and literature VilmaMarkeviciute
and the senior teacher of the Lithuanian language and literature Oksana Aleknavicius
the computer maintenance specialist Artur Kalcevskij – IT support
The students were consulted by:
the teacher methodologist of the Lithuanian language and literature Nelda Pilkienė,
the senior teacher of English Vladimir Vdovičenko.
The steps of the material production (https://youtu.be/N7qPFjsJIzY):
Defining the tasks&assemblinga team:
teachers asked the students to participate in the project;
introducing theproject, activities, and objectives to the students;
assembling working groups;
sharing ideas and specifying the 10 topics for video making.
Scripting texts and compiling glossaries.
Activities for creating short video clips:
writing the script;
organising rehearsals;
choosing location;
considering details and props;
sharing the roles;
predicting filming perspectives.
Filming process.
Video composition:
editing footage;
creating short video clips;
Using free of charge online apps.
Downloading the video material to the VSMC Youtube account.
Downloading the materials of 10 topics to the Blog https://infomaterialska2.wordpress.com
Presentation of the 10 topics materials for VAEC adult learners of other nationalities (non-native speakers).
Practical testing of the material.
Final cut of the footage.
Topics :
Let's get acquainted!
How are you doing?
Official introduction.
Job interview.
In the reading room.
In the library.
My family.
Let‘s count up!
The conversation on the phone.
Ask the way!
Cook meals and try them!
Me and school.
Traditions and celebrations.
Holidays in the countryside