CPIA 1 Brescia, Italy

The CPIA 1 Brescia is a state educational organization working in the field of adult education which provides formal and informal education paths for people with and without Italian citizenship in the metropolitan and provincial areas of Brescia. The total number of our staff is 48 and the total number of our learners, who are aged 15+, is 2788 .
The formal education paths are aimed at the achievement of final educational qualifications of the basic competences which are connected to compulsory education and secondary school. Morover we provide Italian as L2 courses for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in order to achieve at least a communication competence in Italian at level A2 CEFR.
The informal education paths are aimed at the achievement and enhancement of basic competences for lifelong learning and foreign languages, particularly in regard to the EU languages English and German and ICT courses.
Our organization also manages education in prisons here in Brescia, and, in compliance with italian law that rules immigration policy we provide every month civic studies lessons and linguistic certification tests for residence permit applicants in our Country.
Besides that, it is commissioned by the Foreigners University of Siena as the seat for the administration of the CILS (Certification for Italian as Foreign Language) and DITALS (Certification for Teaching Italian as Foreign Language) exams and seat for the certification of knowledge of Italian level A2 of the CEFR.
Finally, the CPIA 1 Brescia is an istitutional reference point for coordinating and bringing about reception, orientation and mentoring actions addressed to the adults, particularly in regard to disadvantaged groups. All these activities are aimed at supporting the realization of personalized learning paths and at the recognition and certification of acquired skills in order to increase the access to educational opportunities and labour market.