CEPA "Abril" welcomes you and guides you in Badajoz.
Spanish partners have produced a web page containing information materials using infographies and digital magazines. This material provides practical and relevant information for migrants that want to establish in our city. The process for the creation of this material has been included in the Secondary Education for Adults programme and has been developed by students (national and immigrants) using a multidisciplinary approach. We have followed the following steps:
Step 1: Awareness Campaign_ With the help of professionals from NGOs and other experts we have organised a number of activities in our school to raise awareness and understanding about the difficult situation of immigrants in our society and about the drama of refugees. By doing this, students have shown an understanding attitude and have been much more motivated.
Step 2: Gathering and selection of information - Students have visited NGOs and other relevant places in our city to gather the information that can be useful for any person willing to settle in our city. By doing this they have learnt more about the resources and facilities available in our city and its history, since many of them were also unknown for them.
Step 3: Creation of materials using infographics: Students have created infographic materials for the web page using the information they gathered.
Step 4: Creation of webpage: All the information and educational materials have been uploaded to a web page for dissemination.
Step 5: Creation of New Materials Using Methods Learnt from Other Project Partners: After the three Transnational Training Events that took place in Italy, Lithuania and Latvia, new materials were created using the video edition techniques learnt from the Italian and Latvian partners and the digital tools for education learnt from the Lithuanian partners.
Step 6: Testing of Materials: All the materials created have been tested by our immigrant students.
Step 7: Dissemination of Materials: NGO representatives and social workers in our city have been invited to a big dissemination event in which materials have been presented and made available for everyone.