Be safe at your workplace!

Material creation and awareness campaign in Learning centre “EVA-93” started in November 2016. We signed The Cooperation Agreements with SIA “RNS-D”, SIA “LīvMet”, SIA “JuN”, SIA “Dioferr”, SIA “Būve - L”, SIA “Līvānu Bioķīmiskā rūpnīca”etc. local organizations. The Cooperation Agreement stated that the organizations would take active part in our activities – such as seminars, workshops, pre and post evaluation surveys, video’s creation in their organizations etc. After we signed The Cooperation Agreements, our Learning Centre teachers visited these organizations, so employees of these organizations participated in Attitude Survey, 142 employees with different level of education and different professions and from different economic sectors took part. The Attitude Survey: Attitude of Latvian inhabitants towards asylum seekers and refugees was published in website http://www.visidati.lv/aptauja/1248479249/ and after that we wrote the Research Paper - Attitude of Latvian inhabitants towards asylum seekers and refugees. The Research paper was published in our website http://www.eva93.lv/aktualitates/2017-gada-janvari-macibu-centrs-eva-93-erasmus-ka2--projekta-information-and-educational-materials-f and it can be used as a material to inform other partners about situation in labour market regarding migrants and refugees in Latvia.
In cooperation with Livani District Council we created Attitude Survey: Attitude of healthcare and treatment services workers and doctors in Livani district towards asylum seekers and refugees - published in website http://www.visidati.lv/aptauja/1263621427/ and also published in our website www.eva93.lv. We wrote the Research Paper – „Attitude Survey: Attitude of healthcare and treatment services workers and doctors in Livani district towards asylum seekers and refugees”. The Research paper was published in our website http://www.eva93.lv/erasmus-plus/2017-gada-marta-macibu-centrs-eva-93-erasmus-ka2-projekta-information-and-educational-materials-for- . Also the Research paper was published in our website https://issuu.com/kristinegitendorfa/docs/projekts_marts_2017-2 and shared in Facebook https://www.facebook.com/apmacibaseva93/ , material is useful also for medical workers in other districts in Latvia.
We created a block of materials called “Safety signs - materials for immigrants and refugees” . For this block of materials our teachers created different dictionaries with illustrations and texts in Russian and Latvian and English, presentation about our learning centre with illustrations of all safety signs we have in our territory and their meanings, games and tests in paper format, games using posters and stickers, and games in digital platforms such as www.getkahoot.com and www.quizzlet.com , also we created different materials using pictochart platform. We provided our block of materials “Safety signs - materials for immigrants and refugees” in Cooperation partner organizations and to our students.
Games that can be played in digital platforms:
Piktocharts created
Tests and games created were published in our website and in our facebook page.
Brochures about our project and the materials created – our teachers spent August to create these materials as school year starts in September 1st in Latvia, we wanted everything to be ready by that date.
Brochures for our partner organizations, NGO, medical institutions etc.about our project and the materials created - http://www.eva93.lv/erasmus-plus and https://www.facebook.com/apmacibaseva93
Production of series of filmed materials and written sets of instructions for refugees and immigrant students and employees in Latvian institution started in September 2017. As every time when new student enters the school he or she must act according to the internal rules of the school and must follow the safety rules, it is very difficult in cases when student is not native language speaker that is why in this project we created different video units with little text for migrants and refugees regarding safety matters. Videos can be used not only in Latvia but all around Europe as safety regulation matters are the same in all countries.
And together with project partners during Mobility in Latvia November 2017, we made the video “When language is a serious barrier”