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Vilnius Adult Education Centre, Lithuania

Vilnius Adult Education Centre was established in 1993. Here adult students can acquire complete or partial upper secondary education. As institutions of adult education we provide adult people with a possibility to obtain academic knowledge and new skills. Making education flexible, accessible and interesting the non-formal system is being actively implemented and practiced. To prove adults that this type of education is worthy of serious consideration such courses are validated by certificates. Non-formal and informal education gives a go to all kinds of relevant partnerships which promote creativity, exchange of experiences, and develop  learning communities. The students of the Centre are people over 18 years old and elderly people. At the

Centre adults can meet and learn together, create networks, update existing

knowledge, or acquire new skills and competencies, as well as develop socio-cultural competence through participation in EU and local projects.


Assessing capacity:

 over 500 students

 and 29 teachers: 9 teachers methodologists, 20 senior teachers.

VAEC autonomy:

 Learner Welfare Group

 Teachers -Consultants Office

 Image-forming group

 Project Development team

 The museum's board

Social Partners:

 Lithuanian Association of Adult Education

 Zhverina’s Community

 Lithuanian Folk Artists' Union

 Modern Didactics Centre

 Vilnius Karolinishkiu music school

 Universities – Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (LEU)

School projects:

Adult Learners' Week events / VAEC Doors Open Days / Meetings with prominent Lithuanian people / Regularly issued stands and newspaper / Students’ creative art / Science exhibitions and contests.


Staff in VAEC is collaborating on a constant basis (solving on-going problems in the education process) and at implementing different local and international projects. Project implementing group discusses possible opportunities and encourages active participation of students and teachers. Each teacher has a chance to make his/her offer and express ideas and thoughts connected to the problem at hand and in this way also strengthening the team and reinforcing the interrelatedness.

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