As a long-established and experienced adult learning Centre (more than 18 000 adult students since 1996), we take pleasure and pride from seeing our students develop new skills, enhance their knowledge or study a subject for pure enjoyment. Learning Centre “EVA-93” lines of action are: adult formal, informal and non-formal learning. We do all to promote our specialist knowledge and that helps us to provide courses that our partners and trainees find valuable for their further personal development. As we regularly assess the results of our learners and analyze their needs by creating different surveys, we might point out that 85% of our learners (survey data as of 2015) indicate that the study materials are easier to understand when using practical examples and things come more clear when teaching stuff visualize learning materials. Also we have created method for “insufficient proficiency assessment of eligibility for the job” which helps both teaching staff and learners to identify weaknesses regarding their skills and competences and goals to be achieved in non-formal educational process. That made us realize we need a whole new approach to the learning programs and our new admittance that we would like to share is – “Once seen, never forgotten!”
As we work with unemployed learners and economically and socially disadvantaged learners almost every day our aim is to promote learner’s personal development during the study process by strengthening cooperative relations. One of the most important tasks of a teaching stuff is to ensure that learners don’t lose self-confidence and for learners whose self-confidence is shaken, the learning centre teaching staff assists to restore confidence in themselves. As it is known, feedback is important for successful cooperation - showing how the learner understood the content of teaching program. That's why we continue to cooperate with former learners, inviting them to the our Learning Centre “EVA-93” to share their good experience with our actual learners and by organizing study trips to former learners workplaces.
The project team from Learning Centre “EVA-93”is comprised of the teaching staff with great experience in adult non formal and informal education field.
As we know, cooperation throughout a community in order to make positive changes takes an important role in educational process, so we will popularize our targets, positive experience inside our Learning Centre and by publishing project results on our website www.eva93.lv, as well as on regional level - in local newspaper „Līvānu Vēstis” and Livani County website www.livani.lv, also on Latvian Association of Labour Safety Specialists website www.ldasa.lv and as we are working with many Partners (public authorities such as State Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Latvia, Fire and Rescue Service of the Republic of Latvia local authorities, like Līvāni County Council, Preili County Council etc., foundations, such as Livani Engineering and Innovation centre , Latvian Association of Labour safety Specialists etc., private and non-profit organizations such as ”Axon cable’’, “LivMet” “Livani biochemical factory”, ”Gargrode”, „Flora Balt”, “Adugs”, “Viadukts” etc. , training organisations on a variety of different programmes - total of more than one hundred partners that allows us to provide traineeships and jobs for our learners).